miércoles, 1 de febrero de 2017

Transparencia y buen gobierno local

Acaba de salir el libro colectivo titulado Local governments in the digital era: Looking for accountability, editado en Nueva York por Nova Science Publishers. Coordinan el volumen Beatriz Cuadrado Ballesteros e Isabel María García Sánchez, ambas profesoras de Economía y Empresa de la Universidad de Salamanca.

El capítulo que firmo junto a Javier Suárez Pandiello lleva por título "From legal transparency to good governance in the Spanish municipalities". El texto completo está en ResearchGate. Aquí va el resumen en inglés:


Transparency and good governance are general principles that have clear budgetary, financial and political consequences. In particular, some risk areas in local public management, like public procurement and urban planning, should be subject to a stricter and more exhaustive scrutiny. In this chapter, we analyze the recent developments in formal requirements of transparency and good governance, and we describe the main items of transparency in Spanish municipalities, based on the data collected by Transparency International Spain. The main conclusion is that transparency has grown up during the last decade but many shortcomings have to be addressed, including the methodology of the indicator itself.

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